Next annual academic sessions will be on 7th and 8th of March 2018. All are welcome for this event. This is the main event that we are organizing.
Program Schedule
Message from the Chief Guest
It gives me great pleasure to send this message to the 8th Annual Academic Sessions of the Hill Country Clinical Society which will be held at the District General Hospital, Nuwara Eliya.
With universal healthcare and a robust public health network across the country, Sri Lanka has made noteworthy achievements in health outcomes compared to other developing countries. However we still have to face many challenges in improving healthcare in the peripheries particularly in a region like Nuwara Eliya which has many unique features in terms of geographical characteristics, physical and human resource allocation, healthcare availability, nutritional factors and disease pattern.
Although there are many medical societies in the country which are concentrating in improving the continuous professional education in the cities, it is creditable that the “Hill Country Clinical Society” which was established in 2010 and which is the leading clinical society providing continuous medical education in the Nuwara Eliya district is focusing on the theme of “Towards excellence in clinical care – the up hill journey” this year.
These academic sessions include important topics such as “Clinical governance”, “Medical imaging” and “Critical care”. I hope presentation of these topics as well as the rest of the program would stimulate an important discussion on the advancement of health care in the country and challenges of delivering the healthcare in resource limited settings.
I wish good luck for the Hill Country Clinical Society for its future endeavors in uplifting the continuous medical education in this region and many other activities in fostering fellowship among the medical profession serving the most important areas of our country.
Prof. Vajira Weerasinghe ,
Dean and Professor of Physiology,
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Peradeniya.