Instructions to authors on submission of articles
for The Annual Academic Sessions & Hill Country Medical Journal
1. Submission of articles:
- A digital copy of the article should be emailed to: hillcountryclinicalsocietyeduc@gmail.com
- The topic of the article should be stated in the subject column of the email.
2. Submission Deadline: 01st of December 2022
3. Article should be accompanied by an ethical clearance if the nature of the study requires such clearance.
4. Formatting of the articles:
- The document must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12 on A4 paper, using single spacing. The text of the abstract must begin without indentation and there should be no space between paragraphs.
5. Title:
- The first line of the article should include the title in bold UPPERCASE
6. Author names:
- The second line of the abstract should include the authors’ surnames followed by their initials. Do not use prefixes. Prof, Dr, Mr or Mrs Do not include designation of author e.g. medical officer or consultant.
- The corresponding author should bear the responsibility for ensuring that all the contributors are given due authorship and that the order of names is agreed upon by all authors.
7. The name of the presenting author should be underlined.
8. The line immediately after author names should state author affiliations. Please use superscript numbers after each name to link the author with his/her relevant affiliation/s.
9. Word count
- Original Articles – 2500 words (Abstract of 250 words)
- Review Articles – 2500 words ( Abstract of 250 words)
- Case Reports & Series – 750 words (Abstract of 150 words)
- Brief Reports – 750 words (Abstract of 100 words)
- Picture Stories – 300 words & 2- 3 clear photographs
10. Abstract Text:
- The word count should be indicated at the end of the abstract.
- Research abstracts should be structured as follows: Background, Objectives, Methods (including statistical methods where relevant), Results and Conclusions.
- If acknowledgements are to be included, they must be limited to an acknowledgement of funding agencies. Generic names are to be used where mention of drugs is necessary.
- Case reports should be structured as Introduction, Case report and Discussion / Conclusions.
- The abstract text should not include tables or figures. References are not required.
11. If the work has been previously presented or published in part, this must be stated clearly in the article information form.
12. The article will be reviewed anonymously by referees and the outcome will be communicated to the corresponding author.
13. All deadlines must be strictly adhered to when submitting the initial and revised abstracts. Delayed submissions will not be considered for acceptance.